Sri Lanka Superfans — The 5 Part Series
Sri Lankan Cricket and the Cricket World Cup came to play a surprisingly central role in our lives in March and April. The tournament just ended, and we already are having withdrawal pains. Rather than interspersing cricket tales with everything else, we decided to consolidate them in one place. So, in keeping with our propensity for five-part series, we offer you the chronicle of our time as the Sri Lanka Superfans.
After our outing to Trinidad and Tom Moody’s entreaty to come watch more games, we knew that we had to join up with the team once again.
After the game, we drove to the team hotel to greet the team bus. There were high-fives aplenty, but we only stuck around for about five minutes. To be honest, we were getting a little bit worried that they might be beginning to think we’re crazy/annoying stalkers.
After talking about the trip for a while, Melissa asked them if they wanted to see the boat.  Jayasuriya did her one better — he wondered aloud whether we could take them sailing.
After everybody changed clothes, we were invited to the post-game team celebration at the hotel. Once again, it was us, the families, the coaches and the team. Dozens of would-be crashers tried to get in on the action, to no avail.
Not five minutes later, the PA announcer came on and notified us that the game would begin at (as I recall) 12:30 and would be 38 overs per side. “There’s absolutely no way they’re going to get in 38 overs per side,” I said to Melissa. “I know,” she said. “We’re going to be batting in the dark.”